Monthly Affirmation

may I be I is the only prayer - not may I be great or good or beautiful or wise or strong. ~e.e. cummings

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Somedays just gotta be lazy

That was today. Sure it started off with a couple of loads of laundry at 6 this morning and then some issues that had to be taken care of, but by noon it was all about what? Well what this lad is trying to do is understand more of the culture from whence I came. I have been grabbing links to get daily feeds from the British Monarchy, the different media forms emanating from the British Isles and more research into the history of the place that was my first home.

I grew up on BBC and when I had cable service every choice was controlled by what plan had BBC America. Well now I am chasing the other aspect of that broadcasting service in the different channels of radio play. Today marked 60 years of The Archers on BBC4 and there were episodes being played all day long on BBC7. I was trying to wrap my head around the magnitude of a 15 minute show running for that long and creating a history that is immense on their website.

When all of a sudden everything stopped. And shifted to a 210 minute long program of CS Lewis - The Last Battle (the seventh book). Oh to be pulled back into the world of imagination where the voices guide the imagery created in your head. Time slowed to a halt as the mind was captivated. Enjoyable. Marvelous. Rewarding. All express my sentiment for those hours not stolen but experienced.

Then it was off to Esperanza's Bakery and Cafe for dinner with a delightful friend whom I have not seen since 1988. Long time when you think about it like that but just building upon the descriptive words above. Enjoying a different setting, answering questions and me rambling on. And on. and ON. Until they almost turned out the lights with us in there. Then standing in the chilly outdoors talking until feet were getting numb. But to further my adventure of nostalgia and re-emergence for the day I was presented with the gift of this last seasons Dr. Who to enjoy.

Now the question is do I start one now or shut down for the evening. Lazy day but work tomorrow so I know what choice I should pursue - but will I?

Good night.

PS. Thanks Lisa.
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1 comment:

  1. You're most welcome. And you didn't ramble. :)



"The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, worry about the future, or anticipate troubles but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly." – Buddha