Monthly Affirmation

may I be I is the only prayer - not may I be great or good or beautiful or wise or strong. ~e.e. cummings

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Morning people

    Morning Glow ~ Liptov, SlovakiaImage by Martin Sojka via Flickr
  1. So I noticed that the world gets up early but not much opens early.
  2. Most peoples faces are relaxed in a droopy frown, but some seem to have a perpetual smile. Bet those with the smiles are those who can wheel and deal you under the table!
  3. In apartment complexes, people will take the dogs and trash out in the morning in all states of dress and undress. Look at them though and you may get the stare of death - hey you picked that outfit.
  4. Judgment of character can change in a heartbeat when someone opens their mouth.
  5. Frustration is just not worth it; accept, adjust, assert but don't let it eat up your world. 
  6. Hmmm are the 10 two left land closed signs, bright orange and white striped barrels and big flashing yellow arrow indicating move to the right recognized by anyone?
  7. Some people can just sit and be patient while others act like it is death knocking at the door to have to do that. 
  8. Many morning people seem incapable of responding to a pleasant greeting, an optimistic thought or just being able to appear human. 
  9. Saying thank you when I let a driver who missed the barrels and all in number 6 was a nice way to be a morning person. 
  10. Finally as I look at the crowds around me this morning I wonder how many start the day with a simple thought of gratitude ... Be grateful for what you have,
    not regretful for what you haven't.
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"The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, worry about the future, or anticipate troubles but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly." – Buddha