Monthly Affirmation

may I be I is the only prayer - not may I be great or good or beautiful or wise or strong. ~e.e. cummings

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

From my dad

It was his birthday yesterday. 


  1. Seems like your dad should be receiving the free hugs for his birthday....

  2. Free hugs are good. :)

  3. Yes he does deserve hugs. Orthopedic surgeon determined ... that a lot of it (the pain he is in and his spinal column) is age generated degeneration of disc cartilage, plus also a herniated cervical disc aggravating a nerve.

    Therefore giving pain down the arm. As there is no numbness in my hand, it is not an immediate surgery case.

    We will try physical therapy first, which he thinks will take care of the problem, if not an epidural into the affected area.

    I had that pain management shot into my spine in 2005. No fun.

    So yeah he needs a hug ... a gentle hug.



"The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, worry about the future, or anticipate troubles but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly." – Buddha