Monthly Affirmation

may I be I is the only prayer - not may I be great or good or beautiful or wise or strong. ~e.e. cummings

Monday, April 12, 2010

Sad yet rewarding

! mark in contradiction used for amboxesImage via Wikipedia
It is disheartening on one level when you can feel that you have wasted money and gained nothing from the experience but ... yes there is a but here ... when you become aware that you have committed to this expense yet in the same awareness you realize that you are not understood there is a sense of reward.

A sense that you now have a level of knowledge that lets you understand the practitioner before you is failing, is failing as they cannot hear you, is failing as they are not paying attention to you, is failing as they are not allowing you to coax them in the direction of conversation that you know will enlighten them.

In the same instance I learned something from that practitioner. While I lay there in the dark listening to meditative sounds with needles sticking out of my arms and hands I was thankful that my cognitive abilities allow me to see that some of his reasoning is valid.

But sadly when he came back in after my meditative acupuncture time and asked me one question I truly realized that he had completely missed the reason I was here. That his judgment had been made before the question were asked, thus he had refused to hear what I needed him to hear and $40 was wasted.

Or not.

$40 may have been what it takes to realize that I may have been looking at this issue with the right hand wrong from the beginning as the whole human body is one big pathway of connections ... blood, muscle, tissue, nerves, skin, skeletal structure ... all connected. Thus this happened with the damage to the left elbow and the timing is not coincidental. That the right can be connected to what happens on the left side is so possible and I have overlooked that angle for this entire process.

So maybe the price may have seemed a little be steep on the surface but enlightenment and awareness truly have no equal when it comes to a price placed on them.  So I will not cry over money lost rather reap the rewarding benefit of being given something else to pursue in the quest for knowledge.

Namaste my friends and family!
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"The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, worry about the future, or anticipate troubles but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly." – Buddha