Monthly Affirmation

may I be I is the only prayer - not may I be great or good or beautiful or wise or strong. ~e.e. cummings

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Happy birthday, mum!

Today is the day that I have to be most thankful for in the scope of the entire year. This is the day my mum was born (a few years back) and without that miracle I would not be sitting here typing this today. Then a few years after she was born (I will not give away the age lest I get slapped) I had the utmost privilege of being born on my mother's birthday. Hmmm not sure if she saw that as a privilege as I was a couple of weeks late showing up and far be it for me to guess about this as I will never experience it, but who really wants to be in labor on their birthday.

Regardless I have had the honor, all these years, of sharing the same birthday as my mother. Now if only my cousin Nick would have been born two days earlier than he was we could have all shared the same day.

Thank you mother for the gift of life and love all these years.

Without You

Mom, without you, there would be no me.
Your love, your attention, your guidance,
have made me who I am.

Without you, I would be lost,
wandering aimlessly,
without direction or purpose.

You showed me the way
to serve, to accomplish, to persevere.

Without you, there would be an empty space
I could never fill, no matter how I tried.

Instead, because of you,
I have joy, contentment, satisfaction and peace.

Thank you, mom.

I have always loved you
and I always will.

~ By someone else, but the words captivated my thought this evening/morning.

So everyone, in this month where people are being thankful for this and that, just take the time to thank the ones or think about the ones who gave you the gift of life. The one who bore you and gave you the gifts that allowed you to be a son, daughter, brother, sister, mother, father, cousin, uncle or aunt. I am blessed with the fact that I share my birth date with my mother, but all of us born into this world share the gift of that birth with our mother. Remember that and be thankful.


1 comment:

  1. The kicker is that I can never forget my mothers ... although strangely enough I have forgotten mine, but I always think about my fathers just a day or two before it happens and then forget. Shame, shame on me.



"The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, worry about the future, or anticipate troubles but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly." – Buddha